Angel of the North Rally - June 2023 Newsletter

Anarc Rally September 2023

We have a provisional date booked for our Rally at the church on Saturday 16th September 2023. We need as many members as possible to help out with setting up the night before and dismantling afterwards as well as on the day, taking admissions, selling raffle tickets as well as bring and buy and in the kitchen with coffee/tea and bacon butties.
Please can you attend on Monday 19th June to plan for this important event in the ANARC calendar. If you can’t attend but wish to offer help on the day, please contact us via our WhatsApp group or email Thank you.

ANARC Annual Subs

ANARC Annual Subs of £20 are now overdue, if you have not yet managed to pay or are having difficulty, please contact one of us or pay by Bank Transfer as soon as you can. Details below. Sort code 08-92-99 Account Number 65280056

Author: Lisa Johnson